Liberation Culture: Applying Solidarity Economy Principles and Practices Bilingual in English and Spanish | Cultura de Liberación: Aplicando principios y prácticas de Economía Solidaria Bilingüe en Inglés y Español

 Registration is closed for this event
We believe Fannie Lou Hamer: “Nobody is free until everybody is free.” Our commitment to building a Solidarity Economy is about the liberation of all from systems of domination. Join a gentle space to practice applying Solidarity Economy principles and practices that directly support a liberation culture. **Note: Introduction to Solidarity Economy Movements is a prerequisite for this workshop. Le creemos a Fannie Lou Hamer: “Nadie es libre hasta que todos seamos libres”. Nuestro compromiso de crear una Economía solidaria es para la liberación de todes de todos los sistemas de dominación. Únase a este agradable espacio para practicar cómo aplicar Principios y prácticas de Economía Solidaria que apoyan directamente una Cultura de Liberación. **Nota: Introducción a movimientos de solidaridad económica es un pre-requisito para este taller.

[Insert 2-3 paragraph description from Intake form]


Length, Dates and Times Offered

[insert "Length of session" from Intake form]

[insert "Dates and times offered" info from Intake form, PT]
[insert "Dates and times offered" info from Intake form, CT]
[insert "Dates and times offered" info from Intake form, ET]


By the end of this workshop, participants will...

[insert "Training Outcomes" from Intake form]


This workshop is ideal for:

[insert "Audience" from Intake form]


To prepare for this training:

[Insert "What do you do to prepare?" from Intake form]



Access requests, including interpretation and captioners, can be made during registration or by emailing our Director of Disability Justice and Language Access. Requests for interpreters and captioners that are made less than 48 hours before the event typically are more difficult to meet. We will try and notify you if we cannot secure requested access. 

Issues with Registration?

If you have questions about this offering or technical needs registering for this event, please contact registration support.

Issues with Registration?

If you have questions about this offering or technical needs registering for this event, please contact registration support.


Choose what to pay, starting at $40. The true cost of this workshop is $100/person. At PeoplesHub we are committed to communication access, radical hospitality, supporting facilitators, and making our offerings financially accessible. This sliding scale allows us to continue offering programs like this one and pay trainers, interpreters, captioners, and other support staff a fair wage for their time and expertise. Like you, those who support our trainings work hard for change in their communities and have often developed the knowledge, skill and gifts that they are offering through many unpaid hours — let’s support them to be sustainable in their work and craft!

November 13th, 2023 from  3:00 PM to  5:00 PM
Event Fee(s)
Workshop Fees | Tarifas de los talleres
Full Workshop Cost | Coste total del taller $100.00
80% Ticket/Billete $80.00
60% Ticket/Billete $60.00
50% Ticket/Billete $50.00
40% Ticket/Billete $40.00
30% Ticket/Billete $30.00
20% Ticket/Billete $20.00
10% Ticket/Billete $10.00
0% Ticket/Billete $0.00